Almost 40,000 types of spiders are known to exist.
Tangleweb spiders (Theridiidae) * Black widow spider * Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, known as the European or Mediterranean black widow, the Malmignatte spider, or the Karakurt spider * Redback spider) * Red katipo and black katipo spiders * Button spider * Brown widow spider * Red widow spider * Steatoda — a large genus which includes the false black widows * American house spider
Orb web spiders (Araneidae)
* St Andrew's Cross spider (an Argiope) * Long-jawed orb weaver, Tetragnathidae * Cyclosa conica * Golden silk orb-weaver * European garden spider * Australian garden orb weaver spider
Other forms of webs
* Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) * Bowl-and-doily spiders (Linyphiidae) * Hobo spider (Tegenaria agrestis) * Grass spiders (Agelenidae) * Filmy dome spider (Linyphiidae) * Hackled orb-weaver * Net-casting spider
Hunting spiders==
* Brazilian wandering spider * Brown recluse spider * Huntsman spider * Jumping spider * Lynx spider * Nursery web spider * Spitting spiders * Tarantula * Chinese bird spider * Wolf spider[, Lycosidae] * Yellow sac spider
Spiders which ambush their prey
* Six-eyed sand spider Sicariidae * Trapdoor spider * Crab spider, Thomisidae * Bolas spiders, Araneidae * Kimura-gumo (Heptathela kimurai, a member of the Family Liphistiomorphae) * Spruce-fir moss spider, Microhexura montivaga * Tooth cave spider, Neoleptoneta myopica * Bird dropping spider, Celaenia excavata
Ladybug spiders[p&a/>==