List of Resident Evil Weapons

Resident Evil Weapons
Resident Evil (The game series) has used countless amounts of Guns and weaponry in the whole series. Here is a list of Resident Evil weaponry from all of the games featured in the franchise so far.

Resident Evil

Combat Knife

A weak alternative to the firearms in the game, the Combat Knife is a part of the S.T.A.R.S gear when they are sent into the Arklay mountains. Although it will probably be used more in this game than all the rest considering the lack of ammo around, its still not advised. If you are left with the decision to use the Knife or run, choose run.

Beretta Handgun

The most simple and commonly used Handgun in the game. When you play as Jill, you will have it from the start, while Chris will find his later on. Best used against Zombies, crows and single Cerebus's, its practicly useless against anything else in the game, and youll find it will take up space in your inventory later on . Once you have acquired enough ammo for the Shotgun, dump the Beretta back into the storage box.

Note: The Beretta is the Official handgun for S.T.A.R.S in the first game. It is later reveled in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, that the M92F Custom (also known as the Samarui Edge) is the official S.T.A.R.S Handgun, which was created by Robert Kendo, featured in Resident Evil 2.


Probably the best all-round weapon in the game, the Shotgun will be used almost more commonly than the Beretta. Can blow Zombies heads clean off if aimed upwards, and blow Zombie Dogs to pieces. Once you acquired the Shotgun in the game, youll be surprised how handy it is, and how powerful it is too.


An interesting installment in the series, the Bazooka is a powerful and well ranged weapon: Perfect for killing tougher enimies and bosses. Brilliant when facing the Tyrant toward the end of the game.

Colt Phython

Praticly blows holes in enimies, and depletes the Tyrants health quickly and easily. Not your standered handgun at all, the Colt Phython is guaranteed to take your breath away, and anyone else who gets in its crossfire.

Flame Thrower

Chris finds this gun towards the end of the game, but comes in handy when you have to face the stronger enimies. The flame thrower works well against any enimies like plants, but also does its best against anything else. Ammo is very rare for the Flame Thrower, so save it for important battels.

Rocket Launcher

At the final battel on the rooftop, you will be given the Rocket Launncher to finish off the Tyrant. The tremendous power is almost enough to outweight its anoying recoil values, but the Tryant will have little time to fight back with the rockets coming at him in almost aligned order. It saves your life, otherwise, youd have it keep firing more of those shotgun rounds which dont appear to do much damage to him.

Berry's Magnum

O.k. now this puppy is only available on the Game Cube version, but if you do get it you will feel the power! You will also be given the decision later in th game to give Berry his gun or not, during the cimimatic battle with Lisa.

Resident Evil 2

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