List of people who have beaten Paul Morphy in chess

The following people have beaten Paul Morphy (June 22, 1837 - July 10, 1884) in a regular game of chess - not a game played at odds. He was considered to be one of the best players in history (see Comparison of top chess players throughout history).
Match and casual games
Adolf Anderssen, Paris 1858 (match +2 -7 =2, casual games +1 -5 =0)
Thomas Barnes, London 1858 (casual +7 -19 =1)

Henry Edward Bird, London 1858 (casual +1 -10 =1)
Samuel Boden, London 1858 (casual +1 -6 =3)
Daniel Fiske, W.J.A. Fuller, Frederick Perrin, Hoboken, NJ, 1857 (casual +1 -0 =0)
George Hammond, New York 1857 (casual +1 -15 =0)
Daniel Harrwitz, Paris 1858 (casual +1 -0 =0, match +2 -5 =1)
Johann Löwenthal, London 1858 (match +3 -9 =2), London 1859 (casual +1 -1 =1)
George Webb Medley, London 1858 (casual +1 -3 =0)
John Owen, London 1858 (casual +1 -4 =0)
Louis Paulsen, New York 1857 (match +1 -5 =2)
Jules Arnous de Rivière, Paul Journoud, Paris 1858 (casual +1 -0 =0)
Jules Arnous de Rivière, Paris 1858 (casual +1 -6 =1), Paris 1863 (match +3 -9 =0)
Eugène Rousseau, New Orleans 1849-1850 (casual, ca. +5 -45 =0)
John William Schulten, New York 1857 (casual +1 -23 =0)
Charles Henry Stanley, New York 1857 (casual +1 -12 =0)
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