List of Old Wives Tales

This is a list of notable Old wives' tales.
*Reading in low or dim lighting damages your eyes.
* If you cross your eyes they might get stuck that way.
* Going outside in the wed or cold without protection will cause you to get sick.
* Urine heals jellyfish stings.
* Fans use up all of the oxygen in a room.
* Cracking knuckles causes arthritis.
Tales about food
* Eating the seed of a Watermelon will cause one to grow in your stomach
* Chewing gum takes 7 years to pass through the digestive system
*Eating carrots improves eyesight.
* Consumption of coffee stunts growth.
* You should wait an hour after eating before swimming.
* Feed a cold, starve a fever.
* An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
* Turkey makes you sleepy.
* Fish is brain food.
* The Five-second rule
Tales about hair
* Plucking grey hairs will make more grow back.
*If you shave your hair it will grow back faster/darker/coarser
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