The following is a list of directors who have worked on the Fox animated television series Family Guy. Directors A *Neil Affleck B *Dominic Bianchi C *Greg Colton D *Michael Dante DiMartino *Gavin Dell *Kurt Dumas *Jack Dyer F *Sarah Frost H *Glen Hill *Brian Hogan *John Holmquist I *Brian Iles J *Bob Jacques K *Seth Kearsley *Mike Kim *Andi Klein *Chuck Klein L *Jerry Langford *Joseph Lee M *Pete Michels *Zac Moncrief *Jeff Myers P *Dominic Polcino *Dan Povenmire *James Purdum R *Rob Renzetti *Bert Ring S *Swinton O. Scott III *Peter Shin *Roy Allen Smith T *Cyndi Tang V *Joe Vaux W *Vincent Waller *Scott Wood *Julius Wu Y *Monte Young