List of Digimon Adventure (2020 TV series) characters

Digimon Adventure, an anime series produced by Toei Animation for the Digimon franchise, which is also a reboot of the original series.
Main characters
Taichi Yagami
is the main protagonist, a 11 years old boy who fearless boy who loves his family dearly and seeks to protect them at all costs, until he was sent to Network and join Agumon in his fight to stop the Army of Darkness who tried to attack the real world. At the end of the series, he chooses to remain in the Digital World to continue his adventures with Agumon rather than returning home with the others.

:Komondomon is a canine-like vehicle Digimon who protected innocent Digimon during the ancient war in the Digital World. They were later awakened by Lopmon to take the Woodmon and Budmon somewhere safe. The leader of the Komondomon, who had a red helmet instead of a grey one, served as the transportation for the Chosen Ones throughout the Eternal Continent on their quest to stop the resurrection of Millenniummon. He later aided them in their quest to find out more about the Crests and to defeat Negamon. During the final battle with Negamon, Komondomon gives the Digimon a much needed boost to get into the void and falls from the sky into the water. He is shown to have survived his fall and sleeps through Lopmon's story about the human world after the battle is over.
:Gerbemon is an inventor who once lived with several Chuumon until they were eaten by Raremon, leaving only one left who serves as Gerbemon’s assistant before and after digivolving into Searchmon. He later appears as part of Wisemon's investigative team.
: Etemon has a rivalry with Volcamon over which of them deserves the title of King of Digimon and attempt to settle it with a contest over who destroys the Chosen Ones first. But the two are soundly defeated by Palmon as her Ponchomon form makes her immune to the duo’s song-based attacks.
:A mischievous and peppy but timid pink rabbit-like Fairy Digimon, whose ears are actually a means for him to sense nearby Digimon to hide from. He becomes a traveling companion of Rebellimon.
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