List of archaeological sites by continent and age

This list of archaeological sites is sorted by continent and then by the age of the site. For one sorted by country, see the list of archaeological sites by country.
* Azykh, Azerbaijan
* Barda Balka, Iraq
* Berekhat Ram, Israel
* Bnot Ya'akob Bridge, Israel
* Darband Cave, Iran
* Dmanisi, Georgia
* Ganj Par, Iran
* Kashafrud, Iran
* Kudaro, Georgia
* Satanidar, Armenia
* Shiwatoo, Iran
* Soanian, India
*Attirampakkam, India
* Ubeidiya, Israel
* Dederiyeh Cave, Syria
* Amud Cave, Israel
* Shanidar, Iraq
* Bisitun, Iran
* Warwasi, Iran
* Kiaram, Iran
* Qaleh Bozi, Iran
*Attirampakkam, India
* Dawara, Syria
* Karain, Turkey
* Magura Cave, Bulgaria
* Kandivili, India
* Ksar Akil, Lebanon
* Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, India
* Shanidar, Iraq
* Yafteh, Iran
* Abu Hureyra, Syria
* Anjiri, Iran
* Dar Mar, Iran
* Fukui cave, Japan
* Ghar-e Khar, Iran
* Senpukuji Cave, Japan
* Warwasi, Iran
* Yawan, Iran
* Zarzi, Iraq
* Hambantota, Sri Lanka
* Ali Kosh, Iran
* Atlit Yam, Israel
* Asiab, Iran
* Çatalhöyük, Turkey
* Sanganakallu, India
* Choqa Golan, Iran
* Ganj Dareh, Iran
* Göbekli Tepe, Turkey
* Guran, Iran
* Jhusi, India
*Paiyampalli, India
* Jarmo, Iraq
* Jericho, Palestine
* Karahan Tepe, Turkey
*Nevali Çori, Turkey
* Mehrgarh, Pakistan
* Niumatou Site, Taiwan
* Tepe Sarab, Iran
Bronze Age
* Areni cave, Armenia
* Beycesultan, Turkey
*Dholavira, India
* Lothal, India
* Troy, Turkey
*Kalibangan, India
* Ugarit, Syria
* Uluburun, Turkey
*Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan
*Harappa, Pakistan
*Hirbemerdon Tepe, Turkey
*Kanmer, India
* Zorats Karer, Armenia
*Rehman Dheri, Pakistan
*Rakhigarhi, India
*Amri, Pakistan
*Nausharo, Pakistan
Iron Age
* Ahichatra, India
* Hattusa, Turkey
* Mathura, India
*Keeladi, India
* Nineveh, Iraq
* Hassanlu, Iran
* Zywieh, Iran
* Bukan, Iran
* Taite, Syria
* Mesha Stele, Israel
* Tel Dan Stele, Israel
* Erebuni, Armenia
Greek and Roman Period
* Halicarnassos, Turkey
* Knidos, Turkey
* Miletus, Turkey
* Myra, Turkey
* Salamis, Cyprus
Pre-Palaeolithic (before stone tools)
* Laetoli, Tanzania (Pliocene)
* Hadar, Ethiopia
Lower Palaeolithic
* Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, lower Palaeolithic, Oldowan
* Kalambo Falls
Middle Palaeolithic
* Cango Caves, South Africa, Middle Paleolithic
* Klasies River Caves, South Africa, Middle Paleolithic
* Hoedjiespunt, South Africa, Middle Pleistocene
* Omo, Ethiopia
Upper Palaeolithic
* Blombos Cave, South Africa, Upper Paleolithic
* Taforalt, Morocco
* Sibudu Cave South Africa, Upper Paleolithic
Iron Bronze Age
* Carthage, Tunisia (Phoenician)
* Cyrene, Libya
Greek and Roman Period
* Volubilis, Morocco
11th to 15th centuries
* Mifsas Bahri, Ethiopia
* Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Lithic/Paleoindian (before 8000 BCE)
* Pikimachay, Peru
* Cueva de las Manos, Argentina
* Cuz Cuz, Chile
* Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, United States
* Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, Pennsylvania, United States
* Monte Verde, Chile
* Pilauco Bajo, Chile
* St. Mary Reservoir, Alberta, Canada
* El Abra, Colombia
* Tequendama, Colombia
Archaic (8000-1000 BCE)
* Chan-Chan, Chile
* Guitarrero Cave, Peru
* Cuz Cuz, Chile
* Toquepala Caves, Peru
* Jisk'a Iru Muqu, Río Ilave, Peru
* Caral, Lima, Peru
* Garagay, Lima, Peru
* Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, Pennsylvania, United States
* Tiawanaku, Bolivia
* Aguazuque, Colombia
* Checua, Colombia
*Watson Brake, Louisiana, United States
*Poverty Point, Louisiana, United States
*Jeffers Petroglyphs, Minnesota, United States
*Blood Run Site, Iowa, United States
Formative (1000 BCE-250/500 CE)
* Acaray, Huaura River, Peru
* Altar de Sacrificios, Guatemala
* Cara Sucia, El Salvador
* Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico, United States
* Chiripa, Bolivia
* Cuello, Belize
* Cuz Cuz, Chile
* El Mirador, Guatemala
* La Venta, Mexico
* Nakbe, Guatemala
* El Tintal, Guatemala
* Quelepa, El Salvador
* Snaketown, Arizona, United States
* Tiawanaku, Bolivia
* Takalik Abaj, Guatemala
* Tulor, Chile
*Newark Earthworks, Ohio, United States
*Serpent Mound, Ohio, United States
Classic (250/500-1200 CE)
* Acaray, Huaura River, Peru
* Aguateca, Guatemala
* Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, United States
* Bonampak, Mexico
* Cahokia, Illinois, United States
* Calakmul, Mexico
* Cancuén, Guatemala
* Cara Sucia, El Salvador
* Chichen Itza, Mexico
* Chiripa, Bolivia
* Copán, Honduras
* Cuz Cuz, Chile
* Dos Pilas, Guatemala
* El Tajín, Mexico
* Ixlu, Guatemala
* Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala
* Machaquila, Guatemala
* Monte Albán, Mexico
* Motul de San José, Guatemala
* Palenque, Mexico
* Pukara de Quitor, Chile
* Pucará de Tilcara, Argentina
* Quelepa, El Salvador
* Quiriguá, Guatemala
* Seibal, Guatemala
* Snaketown, Arizona, United States
* Takalik Abaj, Guatemala
* Tamarindito, Guatemala
* Teotihuacan, Mexico
* Tiawanaku, Bolivia
* Tikal, Guatemala
* Toniná, Mexico
* Tulor, Chile
* Uaxactun, Guatemala
* Yaxchilan, Mexico
* Yaxha, Guatemala
* Zaculeu
* Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico, United States
* Fort Ancient site, Ohio, United States
* Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta
Post-Classic (1200-1900 CE)
* Acaray, Huaura River, Peru
* Cahokia, Illinois, United States
* Cuz Cuz, Chile
* Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, New Mexico, USA
* Huaca de Chena, Chile
* Inkallaqta, Bolivia
* Iximche, Guatemala
* Machu Picchu, Peru
* Mixco Viejo, Guatemala
* Mocha Island, Chile
* Pucara del Cerro La Muralla, Chile
* Pukara de La Compañia, Chile
* Q'umarkaj, Guatemala
* Santa Cecilia Acatitlan, Mexico
* Snaketown, Arizona, USA
* Tenayuca, Mexico
* Tenochtitlan, Mexico
* Tlatelolco, Mexico
* Topoxte, Guatemala
* Yagul, Mexico
* Zaculeu, Guatemala
* Lake Mungo
* Ngarrabullgan
Classical Period
* Maungarei / Mount Wellington, New Zealand
* Rapa Nui, (Rano Raraku, Orongo & Anakena) Chile
* Nan Madol
* Kozarnika, Bulgaria
* Barnfield Pit, Kent, Great Britain
* Bilzingsleben, Thuringia, Germany. Clactonian
* Boxgrove, East Sussex, Great Britain.
* Clacton-on-Sea, Great Britain. Clactonian
* Ca’ Belvedere, Forlì, Italy
* Pineta, Isernia, Italy
* , Hungary
* , Romania, middle Palaeolithic as well as Mesolithic
* Creswell Crags, Great Britain
* Grotta di Nùrighe, Cheremule, Italy
* Königsaue, Germany
* Krapina Neanderthal Site, Croatia
* Le Moustier, France, Mousterian
* Neanderthal, Germany, Neandertal
* Altamira, Cantabria, Spain
* Aurignac, Haute Garonne, France, Aurignacian
* Châtelperron, central and south western France, Châtelperronian
* Chauvet Cave, southern France, Aurignacian
* Côa Valley Paleolithic Art, northeastern Portugal
* Dolni Vestonice, Gravettian, Moravia
* Grotta Corbeddu, Oliena, Italy
* Ignateva Cave, South Urals, Russia
* La Gravette, Dordogne, France, Gravettian
* La Madeleine, Dordogne, France, Magdalenian
* Lascaux, Dordogne, France, Magdalenian
* Meiendorf, northern Germany, Hamburgian Culture
* Mladec, Moravia, Aurignacian
* Paviland Caves, Great Britain, Wales, Aurignacian
* Solutré, eastern France, Solutrean
* Alby, Sweden
* Arbus, Sardinia, Italy
* Astuvansalmi, Finland
* , Turkey
* Bouldnor Cliff Mesolithic Village, United Kingdom
* Cramond, United Kingdom
* Franchthi, Greece
* Friesack, Germany, Brandenburg
* Grotta di Su Coloru, Laerru, Italy
* Hohen Viecheln, Germany, Mecklenburg
* Howick house, United Kingdom
* Pulli settlement, Estonia
* Lepenski Vir, Serbia
* Star Carr and Star Carr house, United Kingdom
* Mount Sandal Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
* Val Camonica, Brescia, Italy
* Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
* Almendres Cromlech, Portugal
* Ardgroom, Ireland
* Avebury, Britain
* Bylany, Czech Republic
* Carnac stones, France
* Carrigagulla, Ireland
* Çatalhöyük, Turkey
* Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine
* , Bulgaria
* Glantane east, Ireland
* Goseck Germany
* Grimes Graves, Britain
* Karanovo culture, Bulgaria
* Knocknakilla, Ireland
* La Hoguette, France
* Maeshowe Britain
* Maiden Castle Britain
* Maumbury Rings, Britain
* Medway Megaliths, Britain
* Fairy Toot at Nempnett Thrubwell, Britain
* Necropolis of Anghelu Ruju, Italy
* Necropolis of Li Muri, Italy
* Newgrange, Ireland
* Parc Cwm long cairn, Britain
* Ring of Brodgar Britain
* St Lythans burial chamber, Britain
* Sassi of Materna, Italy
* Silbury Hill, Britain
* Skara Brae, Britain
* Stanton Drew, Britain
* Stonehenge, Britain
* Pfahlbau Museum Unteruhldingen Germany
* Varna culture
* Windmill Hill Britain
* West Kennet Long Barrow, Britain
* Zauschwitz, Germany
Chalcolithic and Bronze Age
* Biskupin Poland
* Ezero culture, Bulgaria
* Flag Fen, Britain
* Lerna, Greece
* Knossos, Greece
* Mycenae, Greece
* Nebra, Germany
* Necropolis of Fossa, Italy
* Necropolis of Pantalica, Italy
* Nola-Croce del Papa, Italy
* Palmi, Italy
* Perperikon, Bulgaria
* Siedlung Forschner, Germany
* Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Italy
* Tiryns, Greece
* Turuñuelo, Spain
* , Czech Republic
* Varna Necropolis, Bulgaria
* Tell Yunatsite, Bulgaria
* Zug-Sumpf, Switzerland
Iron Age, Classical Antiquity, Hellenistic period, Early Greco-Roman Period and Roman Period
* Abritus, Bulgaria
* Agrigento, Italy
* Ambresbury Banks, Britain
* , Bulgaria
* Aquae Calidae, Bulgaria
* Castra Martis, Bulgaria
* Dionysopolis, Bulgaria
* Bibracte, France
* Biskupin, Poland
* Chew Stoke (Romano-Celtic Temple), Britain
* Chysauster, Britain
* Glanum (near Saint-Rémy-de-Provence), France
* Inchtuthil, Britain
* Danebury, Britain
* Develtos, Bulgaria
* Diocletianopolis (modern Hisarya), Bulgaria
* Dover Castle, Britain
* Dover painted house, Britain
* Forum Romanum, Italy
* Gene fornby, Sweden
* Heraclea Sintica, Bulgaria
* Heuneburg, Germany
* Hirschlanden, Germany
* Kabyle, Bulgaria
* Mont Vully, Switzerland
* Maiden Castle, Britain
* Marcianopolis, Bulgaria
* Mezek, Bulgaria
* Nesebar, Bulgaria
* Nicopolis ad Istrum, Bulgaria
* Nicopolis ad Nestum, Bulgaria
* Novae
* Odessus, modern Varna, Bulgaria
* Oescus, Bulgaria
* Olympia, Greece
* Oppidum of Manching, Germany
* Paestum, Italy
* Philippopolis, modern Plovdiv, Bulgaria
* Pistiros, Bulgaria
* Pompeii, Italy
* Saalburg, Germany
* Salami Island, Greece
* Serdica, modern Sofia, Bulgaria
* Seuthopolis, Bulgaria
* Silistra Roman Tomb, Bulgaria
* Sozopol, Bulgaria
* Sparta, Greece
* Stara Zagora - Roman ruins of Augusta Trayana, Bulgaria
* Starosel, Bulgaria
* Storgosia, Bulgaria
* Syracuse, Italy
* Tatul, Bulgaria
* La Tene, Switzerland
* Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria
* Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari, Bulgaria
* Thracian tomb of Aleksandrovo, Bulgaria
* Tomb of Pomorie, Bulgaria
* Trophaeum Traiani, Romania
* Tróia, Portugal
* Tusculum, Italy
* , Hungary
* Verulamium, Britain
* Vix and Mont Lassois, France
Early Medieval
* Adelsö, Sweden
* Birka, Sweden
* Gamla Uppsala, Sweden
* Helgö, Sweden
* Ivanovo rock-hewn churches, Bulgaria
* Jellinge, Denmark
* Kaliakra cape, Bulgaria
* Madara Rider, Bulgaria
* Nydam, Denmark
* Oseberg ship, Norway
* Pliska, Bulgaria
* Preslav, Bulgaria
* South Cadbury, Britain
* Sutton Hoo, Britain
* Thorsberg, Denmark
* Valsgärde, Sweden
* Vendel, Sweden
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