Liquid Technologies

Liquid Technologies is a software company specializing in the development of XML tools.
The company was founded in 2000 by Simon Sprott and Andrew Farrell.
Liquid XML Data Binding
Liquid XML Data Binding takes an XML schema, and generates code from. This generated code can then be used to read and write XML documents.
Liquid XML Data Binding has grown in popularity due to its support from all the major languages and its ability to deal with complex schemas .
Liquid XML Studio
A graphical XML Schema (XSD) editor for windows.
Liquid XML Studio is available as a Free Community edition, and a Commercial edition. The free edition is extremely popular in schools and universities, its split code/diagram views speed the learning of the complex XSD standard.
Liquid XML Compression
An implementation of the Fast Infoset standard for .Net.
The fast infoset standard defines the binary encoding of XML data, in order to reduce its size and lower the overhead of encoding and decoding it.
Liquid Technologies along with Sun Microsystems, Noemax and OSS Nokalva were among the first to complete Fast Infoset Interoperability testing of Fast InfoSet Libraries.
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