
LineLab is a software product for modeling, simulating and optimizing systems characterized by complex, stochastic flow behavior. It is utilized in different industries including aerospace, semiconductor manufacturing, and green tech.
LineLab was developed to model innovative production approaches, including scale-up and modular, automated production. LineLab uses optimization to simulate dynamic behavior, and to determine values for different free variables (such as inventory, station count or capacity) that characterize a system.
Cost models
The software applies program accounting and calculates various costs, including variable costs, carrying cost associated with holding some amount of work-in-process inventory, and amortized capital costs, as it optimizes unknowns subject to minimizing average total unit cost. It does this instead of using Monte-Carlo methods like discrete-event simulation to capture dynamic behavior. Commonly in dynamic simulation, repeated Monte Carlo simulation runs are used, since the nonlinear relationships that arise from dynamic behavior are very difficult to capture in a steady-state simulation. LineLab's implementation bridges steady-state and dynamic simulation. Based on the algorithms used, models cover the impact of discrete events (e.g. a reactor breaking down) and of continuous processes (e.g. in a chemical plant or refinery). LineLab is comparable in accuracy to discrete-event simulation of queueing behavior.
Trade study features
The software has features built-in to identify favorable production rates and examine relationships between variables across a broad design space.
Published references exist for the following industries:
* Aerospace: LineLab is used in aerospace and defense and has been validated in modeling and optimizing production systems for aerospace manufacturing.<ref name="informs-sim2"/>
* Semiconductor manufacturing: LineLab has been used to model semiconductor fabs, optimizing tool count, batch sizes, and overall production rates for products with shared equipment.<ref name="informs-sim"/>
* Green tech: LineLab has been used to model and optimize conceptual production systems, such as for mass timber building components.<ref name="informs-sim2"/> It has supported factory dimensioning, capacity planning, and cost estimation, assisting in validating the business case for new production approaches.
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