Liberation 71

Liberation 71 is a first person shooter video game based on the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. The game is being developed by a group of young developers named "Team 71". The objective is to fight against the Pakistan Army in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war as a Mukti Bahini.
Some young people got the idea of developing this game through communicating on the social network website Facebook. They published the alpha version of the game on 25 March 2014.
The full version of Liberation 71 is yet to be released. Unreal 4 is being used to develop the game.
The story of the game is supplementing the rotation of the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. It also includes the seven greatest freedom fighters in (Birshreshtha) history, Rajarbag Police Resistance and Operation jackpot.
Update (10/12/2017): Game developments have been suspended by devs due to lack of budget and is no longer being developed. There's no official info about how much of the game was developed.
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