Liam Jordan

Liam Jordan born 23 May 1955 is a former Irish stocktaker and musician. He was involved in a series of attacks causing damage on properties in the Leeds suburb of Gipton in August 2007.
The campaign
Liam Jordan claims he himself had become victim to vandalism during his twelve years at the flats on Wykebeck Valley Road. He says he had complained to the police, housing associations and Places for People but failed to achieve anything significant. Jordan then decided to write to the Yorkshire Evening Post himself and complain and collected the names of 21 residents prepared to set up a neighborhood watch group to stop the damage.. Over 27 windows at the flats were smashed in within a time period of twelve months. Jordan then smashed several windows including David Larkins window which by this point his side of the flats had been fitted with CCTV. The Police and housing association were shocked to find Liam had caused the damage on CCTV as at one point Liam had been the Neighbourhood Watchman for the area.
Liam was later arrested and charged with one count of criminal damage as the other windows couldn't be proven in court but neighbours reported it was Liam. He then appeared in Leeds represented by Narinder Rathour and told the courts Liam was doing the damage to get the police into action. An elderly friend of Liam had even wrote a letter to the judge to prove he had a good character. The judge gave Jordan a twelve month conditional discharge and ordered to pay a fine of £560 for Mr Larkins window. Liam was evicted from his flat of 13 years in February 2008 many said they would miss him around but victims of damage claimed they were glad they can see the back of him.
Liam continues to live in Leeds and retired from stock taking as a result of his conviction. In early 2009 there was several windows smashed at The Brown Hare pub on Harehills Lane in Leeds which locals claimed was Liam he was arrested but was released without charge.
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