Let Us Return USA

Let Us Return USA (LURUSA) is a movement led by a public anthropology clinic (PAC) in coordination with UNROW located in Washington, D.C. and stands in solidarity with the people of the Chagos Islands who were exiled from their homes by the US & UK almost 50 years ago [https://www.buzzfeed.com/unrow/paradise-lost-found-opportunity-for-the-us-to-2o4gc?utm_term=.cjydAny3oD#.ksMeyYaE57]. LURUSA supports their right to return. The Chagossians were removed from their homes in the late 1960s and early 1970s by the US and UK governments during constructions of a US military base on the island of Diego Garcia, ironically known as the "Footprint of Freedom." Today, the Chagossians remain in exile and are struggling to return to their homeland. Let Us Return USA supports the Chagossians' cause and demands that the US government be held accountable for its actions and allow the Chagossians to return home.
a. Who owns Diego Garcia?
b. Where is Diego Garcia located?
c. What does British Indian Ocean Territory mean?
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