"Let us be realist" come from the Address of President Manuel L. Quezon on Policies and Achievements of the Government and Regeneration of the Filipino. This speech delivered before the faculties and student bodies of public and private school, colleges, and universities, at Jose Rizal Memorial Field, August 19, 1938.Our former President Manuel L. Quezon, He purposed this for us to be known that we can do whatever we want, that Filipinos are hardworking and realistic people. According to our former President Manuel L. Quezon that let us be realist. Let us above all be true to ourselves. Be true to ourselves means to act in accordance with who we are and what we believe. We must be realist to understand what would be the real end possible in particular situation that we’ve encountered our problems in life. We can able to deal with problems because we tried to be a realist person and also we could use this way in order to be effective and practical way of dealing real life problems in our society or even our individual life. According to our former President Manuel L. Quezon he said “That we are at all capable of doing this and detecting the weaknesses from which we suffer is vindication enough of the excellence of our race.” As what our former President Manuel L. Quezon that we are capable of doing and to detect our weaknesses…That’s right! Because, we Filipinos work hard it’s because we have to live for and to have something to eat. We Filipinos must be realist to understand and to conquer our problems we have.<big><font size="5">References</font></big> <references />