Lesotho–Spain relations

Lesotho-Spain relations are the bilateral and diplomatic relations between these two countries. Lesotho does not have an embassy in Spain, but its embassy in London is accredited to Spain, He also has a consulate in Madrid. Spain does not have an embassy in Lesotho but its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, is accredited for Lesotho, but has a consulate in Maseru.
Diplomatic relations
The Governments of Spain and Lesotho agreed to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries as of May 3 of 1976.
The Spanish Embassy also participates regularly in the Political Dialogue between the EU and Lesotho. Similarly, the Spanish Embassy in Pretoria was represented in the diplomatic observation that, on the occasion of the February 2015 elections, coordinated the EU Delegation in Maseru.
From South Africa, Lesotho will undertake the second phase of the Highlands Water Project. This is a project that demands the construction of important infrastructure and for which the Spanish companies in the sector have expressed interest.
Spain participates actively, however, in the cooperation channels that the EU maintains with Lesotho. Thus, the XI FED is endowed with a total of €142 million. The EU has also approved an amount of €2 million in emergency humanitarian aid to alleviate the disastrous effects of the drought in recent years.<ref name=coop />
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