Lego Cinematic Universe

The Lego Cinematic Universe is a film and TV show franchise based on the toys of Lego. The series takes place in a universe of Lego where heroes and villains battle each other for peace or power. The series is a crossover series consisting of Lego Ninjago: The Series and Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers. The main characters are Clutch Powers, Peg Mooring, BrickMasterson, Bernie Von Beam and the Ninjas. The series ran from 2010 to present. The series has received universally positive reviews from fans and critics.
*Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers
*Lego City: A Clutch Powers 4-D Adventure
*Lego Ninjago: The Series
*Lego Monsterhunters 2013 Series"
References throughout the universe
*The series takes place in Lego Universe
*In Ninjago in "The Royal Blacksmiths" episode, Cole mentions Clutch Powers. This means that they share the same universe.
Cast and Characters
*"Ryan McPartlin"- Clutch Powers
*"Yvonne Strahovski"- Peg Mooring
*"Roger Rose"- BrickMasterson
*"Jeff Bennett"- Bernie Von Beam/Artie
*"Paul Michael Glaser"- Kjeld Playwell
*"Chris Pratt"- Emmett
*"Will Arnett"- Batman
*"Morgan Freeman
*"Elizabeth Banks"- Lucy
*"Vincent Tong"- Kai
*"Michael Adamthwaite"- Jay
*"Brent Miller"- Zane
*"Kirby Morrow"- Cole
*"Jillian Michaels"- Lloyd Garmadon
*"Kelly Metzger"- Nya
*"Alan Marriott"- Dareth
*"Paul Dobson"- Sensei Wu
*"Mark Oliver- Lord Garmadon
The franchise has received universally positive reviews and responses. The NINJAGO part of the franchise was a huge success and it lead into more NINJAGO toy selling. The show became so popular that a second season was made. The premiere of the show earned 2.8 million views and the premiere of the second season earned 6.9 million views. Lego The Adventures of Clutch Powers was a huge success and it earned 9 stars on imdb. Many fans and critics loved the movie and it was so favorable, a trilogy will be made based on the character. The character, Clutch Powers, earned many acclaiming reviews and they were so good that a toy series based on him will be made.
The Clutch Powers film was reviewed by critics Movies Review, Rotten Tomatoes, DVD Talk, DVD Verdict, Movie 2 Movie and they all have positive reviews for the film. The series was very successful. The NINJAGO series received a lot of good reviews and with this response, Lego is deciding to continue the franchise with a second TV show. The Clutch Powers movie was so successful that a second film to the movie segment of the franchise was announced. The film will be named Lego: The Piece of Resistance. The film will have a budget so high that the Lego producers will predict that it will be successful.
Due to the success of the Lego Cinematic Universe, the Lego producers will continue the franchise. A sequel was announced in June 2011 after the release of the midquel, A Lego City Adventure: Clutch Powers. The sequel is currently in post-production. The NINJAGO series will possibly get a third season after the success of season one. In the summer of 2012, a second TV show was announced created by the Lego Group. An upcoming Lego film was announced by the directors of Cloudy of a Chance of Meatballs. The film is titled Lego: The Piece of Resistance and it will be the first Lego film to be released in the movie theaters.
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