Leftover Soup

Leftover Soup is a webcomic created by Mason Williams (pseudonymously known as “Tailsteak”).
It is an entirely fictional slice-of-life style webcomic that updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. New strips are posted at midnight Central Standard Time, since that is where the server is located.
The author strives to keep Leftover Soup officially Safe For Work, i.e., free of nudity, gore, and hate speech. There will, however, be swearing and descriptions of sexuality, violence, and opinions that some people may consider offensive. Leftover Soup may not be R-rated, but it isn't really intended for children.
Here is a list of major characters in Leftover Soup:
* Benjamin Timothy Halligan IV
** Age: 22
** Occupation: Cook
** Likes his women like he likes his coffee: Artfully presented.

* Ellen Mary Boorsen
** Age: 25
** Occupation: Computer Technician
** Likes her men like she likes her coffee: Mentally stimulating.

* Maxine Tabitha Fae Hellenberger
** Age: 24
** Occupation: Veterinarian's assistant
** Likes her sexual partners like she likes her coffee: First thing in the morning, and then ideally several more times over the course of the day.

* Lily Hammerschmidt
** Age: 30
** Occupation: Computer Technician
** Likes her men like she likes her coffee: Roasted, ground up, and soaked in boiling water.
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