Last Supper Drama at Moreland Baptist Church

The Last Supper Drama is a play in which actors stand in the still pose of the Last Supper painting. After short periods of darkness each disciple briefly explains his life and relationship with Jesus, and his worries about which disciple will betray Jesus(before the supper Jesus told the disciples that one among them would betray him). In between each soliloquy, the lights come back on with all the actors in the painting pose. This is repeated until all disciples talk. The only variation in the pattern is Judas leaves after he talks (the sixth position).
The chancel drama is based on the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, painted in the fifteenth century for the Duke of Milan. The play was originally written by Rev. Kim Gibson of Said Mark's Lutheran Church of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
History of the Last Supper Drama at Moreland Baptist Church
In 1985 Howard Langdon, for the first time, saw the Last Supper Drama performed at the United Methodist Church in Muncy by the men of the "Brick" St. Lutheran Church. It was an excellent and inspiring performance. For several months he reflected that the men at Moreland Baptist could and should perform this play. When the idea of attempting this play at Moreland was presented to Rev. Sherwood Sawyer and the Deacons, everyone was in favor of the project if Howard could obtain the thirteen volunteers necessary for a full cast. Within a week the original cast had their parts and practices started soon after.
In 1986, the first year of the Moreland production, the flood and follow lights were borrowed from the Brick Lutheran Church, and the Hughesville and Muncy High Schools. The costumes were borrowed from the United Methodist Church of Montoursville. John Kapp made the wooden window shades that are still used to completely darken the sanctuary during the performance. Everyone was nervous as the disciples complained about the heat and makeup, but 240 people packed the old church for the first performance. The music provided by the church organist and the Hughesville High School Brass Choir was well received. All involved and present agreed that the play was a success.
Over the years the church has made significant improvements. In 1987, under the leadership of Janet Stackhouse and Lois Temple, the first costumes were made. Janet also continued to supervise the improvement in stage make-up and costumes. In 1988 Carl Reece made the first lights. In 1991 the Trustees approved the installation of stage lights in the ceiling of the old church. In 1992 additional lights were installed and a spotlight was donated to the church. In 2000 material was donated and Connie and Dave Golder put together a black backdrop curtain. In 2007 Francis Getgen painted a five piece backdrop to match the original da Vinci painting.
Major parts of the production are the musical bridges used during the program. The speeched by each disciple give much to think about and the music helps each mind to meditate on what has been said. 1n 1089 Florence Houseknecht provided the music during the drama by playing a Rogers organ borrowed for the occasion from Sides Music Store in Williamsport. The next year the church retired its 1948 Hammond organ and purchased a new Rogers Digital Organ. In 1991 the Hughesville High School Brass Choir returned to provide music for a second time. The "Derrick Sisters", Florence Houseknecht on the organ and Phyllis Farnsworth on the piano, played musical bridges until 1996. Phyllis Farnsworth provided the music from 1997 through 2001. Sandy Bitler provided the music on 2002. Sandy Bitler (on the organ) and Susan Fitgerald (on the piano) provided the music for 2003 and 2004. There were two years, 2005 and 2006 when the drama was not performed. In 2007 the drama came back with Sandy Bitler (on the organ) and Susan Fitzgerald (on the keyboard). Over the years there have been many others who have worked behind the scenes with the lights, makeup, and costumes.
Before the 2000 performance, Howard Langdon announced to the cast that he would be retiring his directors cap after the presentation. The churches drama committee chairman Dave Golder took over the position of director for the next four years. In 2007 after a seven year break Howard Langdon once again filled the position of director.
Past and Present Cast Members Walter Beitz(2), Robert Bieber(2),Richard Bradley(8), Gerald Brown(3),Tim Cark*(1),Wade Corbin*(10), Brett Corbin(2), Ron Dunkleberger*(10),Tom Fry (6), Robert Hager(9)Dwight Herr*(8), Roger Fenstermacher(2), John Gottschall*(6), David Harman(5), Rev, Carl Harris(8). Francis Getgen(4), Gregory Houseknecht(9), George Kapp Jr.*(3),John Kapp(1),Duane Lamper(6),Ralph Lowe*(8), Keith Moyer(2), Robert Mueller(4),Terry Nickles(1),Dale Ovelman(3), Rodney Phillips(4),Lynn Reece(9),Michael Rizzo(1),Jeff Sheets(6),Frank Shetler(9),Greg Shuck(3)David Shultz(13),Roy Shultz Jr.*(3),David Snyder*(16),Phillip Snyder(3),Tim Snyder*(10),Ken Stackhouse*(9),Harvey Stauffer Jr.*(13), Geln Strausser(8),Kevin Strickland(6), Dean Temple(1),Rancy Wagner(7), Steven Worley(9), Dwight Turner(1),Tim Herr(1), Luke Temple(1).
'*1986 Original Cast Members
Howard Langdon*(16) Dave Golder(4) (all of this information was taken from the 2007 bulletin of the Moreland Baptist Church Last Supper Drama, it is not under copyright, and is in the public domain)
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