Lance Havildar Ram Kumar

Ram Kumar (born, 01 April 1965) was a L/HAV at Indian army from 18 Grenadiers, an infantry regiment of the Indian Army posted at Drass-Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir. He was martyred during the battle on 01 Jan 1999. Kumar was the recipient of Vir Chakra from the Government of India. The award citation says,
"On 03 June 1999 during 'Operation Vijay', a battalion assault was launched by 18 Grenadiers on Tololing in the Drass sector, to evict the Pakistan backed infiltrators located in a well-stocked and fortified post at over 15,000 feet. Lance Havildar Ram Kumar was also in the assault group. When the assault group was close to the objective, the enemy opened fire. With utter disregard to his personal safety, Lance Havildar Ram Kumar crawled close to the enemy sangar from which Universal machine gun fire was being directed. When he was close to the objective, he received a gunshot wound on the shoulder and waist.
Unmindful of his injuries, Lance Havildar Ram Kumar inched close to the sangar and lobbed a hand grenade killing one of the occupants and injuring the other two. In the ensuing hand-to-hand combat, he killed the other two occupants also, but thereafter succumbed to his injuries.
Lance Havildar Ram Kumar made the supreme sacrifice in the highest traditions of the Army and valiantly fought with the enemy during assault on Tololing."
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