Laert Aleksi Xhaferi

Laert Aleksi Xhaferi

Laert Aleksi was born in Vlore, Albania, on February 9, 1984. He and his family moved to Athens, Greece, in 1992, where he began taking art lessons from his father, Grigor Aleksi. At the age of only eight he learned the techniques, of drawing and painting, while at the age of eleven he painted his first original oil painting that revealed his exceptional and distinctive talent as an artist.

Under his father’s supervision, teaching him daily with a special program, specifically designed for Laert, he began to draw and paint with a high mastery. His ability to capture details, and materialize the form of his paintings with colors, soon became a signature of Laert’s work. His father encouraged him to recreate works of the old masters of art, something that he achieved explicitly, and successfully. A lot of Laert’s paintings of this stage are signed and displayed today at their gallery.

In 1999 Laert moved to the United States, continuing his high school studies. There, he was acknowledged as a talented artist that earned him awards of excellence in drawing and painting. For his extraordinary ability in art, he was also presented by the National Honor Society, with the "Golden Paintbrush Award," which distinguished him as a truly remarkable artist.

Today he has established his own profile, style and individuality, which he hopes to develop with even more excellence in the future.

Many serious art collectors, in Greece and the United States, display Laert’s paintings in museums and homes. His work can also be seen at their current gallery.
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