La Loutre

The French expression La Loutre (Otter in English) can have multiple meanings:
* Otter, with several species.
* Otter-civet of Sumatra or Cynogale Bennett or manpalon (Cynogale bennettii) is a civet family of Viverridae.
* Dog otter or Otterhound is a dog that was used to hunt otters by King Edward III of England.
* The jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) also called eyra or "otter cat" is a small cat species in America.
* The “Mérou loutre” (otter Grouper) (Epinephelus tauvina) is a marine fish of the family Serranidae.
Place Names
* Otter Island or (Île de la Loutre, in French) is a small uninhabited island of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, in Alaska, in United States.
* Saint-Cirgues-la-Loutre is a French commune, located in the department of Corrèze in the Limousin region.
* Otter Sainte-Luce, banal mill of “Ruisseau à La Loutre” (Otter Creek) (east side) in Sainte-Luce.
* “Section La Loutre” (Otter section) in Alsace, France.
* La Loutre Dam, originally built in 1916-1917 on “Rapides La Loutre”, on the Saint-Maurice River, in Quebec, in Canada. Today, the French term "Barrage Gouin" (Gouin Dam) replaced the old name "La Loutre Dam", since raising the water level in the reservoir in 1948.
* Abbot Jean-Louis Le Loutre, French military leader directing battles of the Anglo-Micmac war, in Acadia, in Canada, in the 18th century.
* Cultural Adventures of “Monsieur Loutre” is a French animated television series.
* "Outre" (container in French) (The section “L’outre” also to make cheese).
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