L2HAC (lowID to highID Automatic Callback) is a method/mod used in emule clients to reduce load on servers by reducing lowID callbacks. When a lowid user enqueues a highID, it's useless for the latter to ask the (common) server for a callback request every 21 minutes. The L2HAC mod makes the lowID connect to the highID automatically every time without waiting for the server callback.
It works as well with most of emule-clients that are not modded - every time the not-modded highID try the connection, it finds itself already connected and make the request immediately without server callbacks.
ID is a value calculated from the client's IP address. It is assigned by the server, when eMule successfully connects. The purpose of the ID is to give an indication whether or not proper communication is possible between two clients.
A high ID means the port chosen for connecting is open and freely accessible, whereas a low ID means this port is blocked or cannot be reached
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