Kristopher Tate (born May 1, 1988 in Washington) is the founder and chief technologist of the now defunct Zooomr, a photo sharing website, BlueBridge, and a Japanese invite only community website called (also defunct).. He was mentioned in Jon Swartz's Young Wealth: Trade Secrets from Teens Who Are Changing American Business Born in Seattle, Washington, Kristopher claims to have started working with HTML at the age 4 and started programming in Think-C at age 5. He started Zooomr at age 17. Footnotes <div class="references-small"> # [ "Flickr has some catching up to do" - Michael Arrington, TechCrunch, March 11, 2006] # [ "Why is flickr afraid of Zooomr?" - Michael Arrington, TechCrunch, June 16, 2006] # [ Amazon Search referencing "Kristopher Tate" in Young Wealth: Trade Secrets from Teens Who Are Changing American Business - Jon Swartz, September 30, 2006] # Kristopher Tate Interview - .NET Magazine, December, 2006 # Blognation - Zooomr Conquering the World from Japan, December 9, 2007 # Launch Announcement on CNet Japan, June 8, 2009 </div>