Krishna Amin Patel

Krishna Amin Patel is a textile and apparel designer, researcher and pedagogue.
Life and Work
Krishna Amin Patel joined the National Institute of Design (NID) as a student in 1970, and specialised in textile design. After her 5½-year graduation programme, she did a research fellowship in NID involving teaching and research under Helena Perheentupa. From 1980 to 1999 she served as a full-time faculty member in NID. Patel completed her master's degree in fine arts from Arizona State University in 2002.
She has been a visiting faculty and a member of important committees in institutes such as Nottingham Polytechnic, UK, at Rhode Island School of Design and Penland School of Crafts, USA.
She co-authored a book titled ""Of Fibre and Loom : The Indian Tradition" along with Lotika Varadarajan.
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