Kintech Lab

Kintech Lab is a software company headquartered in Russia. It provides computer simulation software in the areas of combustion, energy sources, photonics, microelectronics, nanotechnology. Also Kintech Lab is the R & D company performing scientific research projects in the above-mentioned areas.
Kintech Lab was established in 1998 by a group of scientists lead by Potapkin Boris from RSC Kurchatov Institute.
The company was founded in 1998 by a group of scientists lead by Potapkin Boris from Institute of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Technology at RSC Kurchatov Institute.
Mission statement
Traditional approach to the creation of new materials and technologies which is based on the sequential prototype creation and introducing modifications after prototype testing requires large time and financial expenses. In the frame of this approach simulation in many cases is used just for description of the obtained experimental data and extrapolation of these data using particular model approximation. In this case the understanding of the detailed mechanism on the atomic level is not necessary. This fact does not allow utilizing the great amount of information on the properties of materials and processes which is obtained by the fundamental scientific researches.
Progress in theoretical methods, development of efficient computational algorithms, continuous exponential growth of computer resources and recent advances in massively parallel computing, make it possible to apply the alternative approach. This approach implies an a priori simulation of the materials and processes based on the detailed understanding of structure and mechanism on the atomic level. In the frame of this approach simulation precedes the prototype creation allowing to significantly decreasing of the amount of the experimental tests and hence to decrease the development cost and time and to decrease innovation risks.
This is why the Kintech Lab's main activity is the development of methods, algorithms and corresponding software for the predictive multiscale modeling of the properties of materials, processes and devices based on the ab initio calculations, computer modeling and fundamental experimental data.
* Chemical WorkBench - a software for the development and reduction of kinetic mechanisms
* Khimera - a software for the first principles-based calculation of microscopic parameters of physico-chemical processes
* MD-kMC - a software for simulating atomistic processes using molecular mechanics and kinetic Monte-Carlo methods
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