King is an upcoming Hindi action film that will be directed by Sujoy Ghosh, who also wrote the film's screenplay. The film will star Shah Rukh Khan, Suhana Khan, and Fahim Fazli, and will feature music by Anirudh Ravichander. Synopsis Shah Rukh Khan portrays a crime boss who will serve as a mentor to a young woman, teaching her the tricks needed to survive in the world of crime and a dangerous common enemy. Cast * Shah Rukh Khan * Abhishek Bachchan * Fahim Fazli * Suhana Khan * Abhay Verma Production Plans to create the film King were unofficially announced in May 2024, after Shah Rukh Khan was seen with a copy of the film's script. Khan was confirmed as starring in the movie alongside his daughter Suhana Khan; King marks her feature film acting debut. Filming for King was initially slated to begin during summer of 2024, but was postponed until January 2025, where filming is expected to start in Budapest. Release Initially expected to release in 2025,<ref name":1" /> King is projected to release in 2026.<ref name":0" />