Khan Bahadur Mansur Ali Khan

Khan Bahadur Mansur Ali Khan (b.18 September 1873 - 1934) was a social reformer, writer, and founder of Anjume-Islah Muslim Rajput Kamsar-O-Bar Committee.
Early life
Mansur Ali Khan was born on September 18, 1873 is a Zamindar family from the village of Gorasara in Dildarnagar Kamsar of Ghazipur District, Uttar pradesh, India. His father was Subedar Nabi Bhaskh Khan who was Subedar in British India. He had two elder brothers, Mahiyar Khan (eldest) and Matbar Khan, and two younger brothers, Sitareddin Khan and Mohiuddin Khan. It is said that his eldest brother worked for the British Railway when he was in class 4th and he was a brilliant student but had no light lamp in his house. So he often went with his brother to the railway station in Ghazipur to study under the lamp on the platform. One day a British officer saw him studying under the lamp in the 1890s, talked with him, was surprised with his fluent English and offered him a menial job in the Railways. But Mansur first declined and later completed his in 1893 and tried to get a good job in the British government but the Britishers declined to give him high post because of being a Indian.<ref name":0" /><ref name":3" /><ref name":2" /><ref name":1" />
Later, in 1894 he joined the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway as a goods clerk. The Oudh and Rohilkhand railway was established in 1872 and in 1888 it was taken over by the British government. He got a transferable job and lived in many cities like Allahbad, Meerut, Moradabad and Lukhnow. Being in a transferable job and seeing large cities, he realized the backwardness of Dildarnagar Kamsar. Being in the British Government's service he realized the importance of education, he wanted to do something for Dildarnagar Kamsar.
For this, he convinced sarpanch of the villages with Maulana Suleman Khan (b.1853 at Dewaitha) and conducted many village meetings. He wanted to remove dowry and wanted the people of his community to focus on education. During 1895-1900 the people of Dildarnagar Kamsar being from Zamindar families they were only busy in doing agricultural works and some in the police or British Forces, very few people had Masters or Bachelors degrees. After many meetings, the response was not promising. People thought that they are rich and can afford so much dowry and calling 1000 people in weddings. But Mansur Ali Khan persisted. He continued the meetings at regular intervals and finally in 1910 a body named Anjuman Islah Kamsar-o-Bar was established.
After joining as goods clerk, he became traffic inspector after few years and in 1913 he was promoted as traffic superintendent. As a superintendent, his duties and responsibilities increased and much of his time was spent in Lucknow which was the headquarters of the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway. He became District Traffic Supritendent in 1921. He was also a friend of a Mumbai industrialist Puroshotam Das. Later, the committee made by him also established SKBM Degree College in 1936. The college is still run by the committee, Al Ameen Mission is also inspired by the committee. He also wrote some books and stories.<ref name":3" /><ref name":4" /><ref name":6" /><ref name":5" /><ref name":2" /><ref name":1" /><ref name=":0" />
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