Khaled Iskef

Khaled Muhammad Walid Askif is an syrian journalist and reporter.
Early life and education
He was born in Mosul to his parents, Muhammad Walid Muhammad Bashir Iskif, who was born in Syria - Aleppo - Al-Asilah neighborhood 1955 and his mother Fatima Thana Abd al-Rahman Muti` Hout in 1957, who moved to Iraq, Mosul, with the intention of working in 1979.
Khaled passed the stages of his studies in Iraq to register his name among the students of Baghdad University, Department of Computer Science, and then returned at the age of 25 to Syria.
At the beginning of his return to Syria, Khaled suffered financially and morally. He exposured a threats from his relatives because of his political orientations in order to appeal to his great-grandfather to reduce these threats.
Khaled faced a work difficulties , he worked as a tailor, construction worker and computer maintenance worker, then he opened an Internet Cafe that was the seed of a volunteer news network project (Mankoul News Network).
He started his media activity on the web , Khaled established a news website (Mankoul News Network) were more than 40 volunteers worked to report news.
Khaled's personal journalistic work in investigative journalism and documentation in Al-Mayadeen channel was useful to him so he become a correspondent there later, filming and sending news and making interventions in 2016.
He has been active in social networking sites since 2009 to attract many followers from famous press figures and the general public, such as Twitter and Facebook.
He was injured during his work in the channel several times, a mine exploded near him in the Al-Hujaira area in the Khanasser area while he was on a media mission.He was hit in the eye by bullet blanks at Aleppo International Airport during the siege.
And in the southern countryside of Aleppo, the Syriatel Hill, where he was hit in the knee by a bomb falling on the media team there,
khaled still lives until now in the popular neighborhoods, to be close to the largest segment of Aleppian society.
works and Investigations:
Al Mayadeen tv channel :
He worked at Al-Mayadeen TV, as a photographer and a reporter, since 2013, and his beginning was after his release from the siege at Aleppo International Airport by the opposition militants, and he began documenting the war secrets far from the media as soon as the Opposition factions left Aleppo.
Syrian Documentation Center :
Khaled created a web site Syrian Documentation Center , which ranked 86 locally and 85 thousand globally, according to Alexa International web site . On this site, he publishes local Syrian statistics and news, an Infographic of Corona disease, and revealed local and international media secrets.
Investigative investigations:
The investigation of the girl, Bana Al-Abd :
Khaled's two weeks investigation, expanded and revealed the truth of the girl, bana, who gained the attention of the international media street and publishing her story in many websites, where he went to the residence place of the Bana family in Aleppo , he published a series of investigations consisting of 3 sections translated into English. The girl’s family lived very close to the military headquarters of the Opposition factions of Syrian Government . In the second section, he revealed the surrounding area of the photos that the child posted on her Twitter account, and in the third section he showed the truth of who manages her account and how a seven-year-old girl spoke fluent English and published on twitter about world war 3 ,The videos are on his YouTube channel .
The investigation of the child omran Daqneesh :
The child Omran is the child who is pictured in a bad and bloody shape, while he is sitting in the ambulance box in Aleppo after filming an attempt to rescue him by an organization called the White Helmets mentioned in his next investigation, where his story has spread internationally. None of the child's parents appeared in the media because of the policies followed by the Western media
Khaled had a great role in showing the child's father to the media and trying to rebuild the trust with the child's father and trying with him over a period of months to prove to the child's father that he did not exploit the privacy of this family, so he documented the story over the tongue of the child family and show to the world the difference of what the other media say and took the first picture with the child and his family in their house .
The White Helmets investigations :
The White Helmets claim to be a neutral humanitarian organization in the Syrian conflict, but after Khaled worked on the issue of the White Helmets in Aleppo and exposed to an attack while covering the Bustan al-Qasr area, which was considered the dividing line or the front line between the Syrian army and the opposition factions there, Khaled traveled with the British journalist Vinissa Bailey to Daraa, after this organization changed its policies, so he entered the areas of control of groups hostile to the Syrian government and met with many directors of the White Helmets organization and revealed the work of this organization from Western elements and even their possession of Israeli-made tools and documented these reports with documents, pictures, interviews and videos. Al-Mayadeen TV conducted a lengthy televised meeting with Khaled revealed the details of this investigation .
Investigation of the Quaik River massacre in Aleppo :
After discovering a human massacre in the Quwaik River passing thro the middle of the city of Aleppo, he started this investigation when the opposition factions left the areas under their control in eastern Aleppo to the syrian government He filmed his entire investigation and documented it with eyewitnesses and some people who had personal experience with this massacre. In concluding the results of the investigation, the international criminal security law and statistics were used too , as he interviewed many eyewitnesses and people who exhumed the bodies and used their testimony to reveal the truth of the massacre Al mayadeen channel published the investigation .
published reports :
1.      (6) news reports on mideastdiscourse site .
2.      (14) news reports on site .
3.      (5) news reports on ahtribune site .
other :
·        He has many interventions, including the BBC .
·        Conducting a media training course at the Syrian Trust for Development in cooperation with the International Junior Chamber jci.aleppo in an event (My Future Choice) .
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