Kerrie Burn

Kerrie Burn (born 1964) is an Australian librarian and author who is head librarian at Mannix Library, chair of the University of Divinity Library Committee, and manager of their Library Hub. She is head of the Australian Women in Religion project.
Burn obtained a Bachelor of Science from Melbourne University, as well as a Graduate Diploma in Librarian and Information Studies.
In 2007, Burn completed a Master of Arts through the Melbourne College of Divinity. Her thesis title is The Australian Baptist Heritage Collection: Management of a Geographically Distributed Special Collection.
Burn has worked at various theological librarys including Whitley College and her current position at Mannix. She was the Team Leader and responsible for Resource services at Southern Cross University Library. In 2007, Burn was awarded an ALIA Associate Fellowship. ALIA is the Australian Library and Information Association, which supported Burn through their professional development programs. This room houses the James Goold Collection. Burn is on the board of Atla, previously the American Theological Librarians Association. She is the first person outside North America to be appointed to this position.
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