
Kemakmuran is an ancient city founded in the twelfth century. It is located in Eastern Kazakhstan .
The population
The population of the city is 50000 people. Among the original people are Kazakhs, Russians, Tatars, Turks, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks.
Lake Alakol
Near the city is Lake Alakol. The lake has healing properties. Water in the lake treats diseases of joints, skin diseases, diseases of the nervous and respiratory system. Eight species of fish inhabit Alakol, including walleye, carp, marinka, perch. On the edge of the Lake is a small islet.
Unknown creature
According to legend the lake is inhabited by an unknown creature. Some say that it is a giant snake and some say that this is the ancient Asian Dragon. Local people say that the snake attracts people with a magnetic force and eats them, but most people don‘t believe this legend and swim in the Lake.
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