Katkuri is a clan that hails from the modern-day Deccan region of India. Katkuri's are part of the Motati Reddy and are highlighted in many Indian mythological works for their strong will power and excellence at war. Katkuri's ruled the Deccan and Coastal Andhra regions of India as part of the Reddy dynasty. They trace their roots to Katkuru village of modern-day Karimnagar district and have ruled in the Reddy dynasty from their princely state of Addanki which is in Prakasham district of Andhra Pradesh. After the fall of the Reddy dynasty in 1448 CE they were ceded lands in the Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh by the then Nizam of Hyderabad, and hence moved as landlords to Katkuru village, which forms part of modern-day Karimnagar district. The Katkuri clan is now known to be mainly based in villages in the Karimnagar district and a few villages in the modern-day Warangal district. They have been entrusted the title "Dhora" during the Nizam rule in 18th, 19th and 20th century. All details related to the Katkuri clan are enlisted in Cingareddy Narayan Reddy's 'Reddy Rajula Charitra' book which is the only historical book written by the poet in Telugu language.