Kasey Wells

Kasey Wells was an American independent write-in candidate in the 2020 United States presidential election. His wife, Rachel Wells, was his Vice-Presidential running mate.
The Wells/Wells campaign gained more ballot access than any other write-in campaign in the 2020 presidential election.
Political Positions
The ideas that were central to Kasey Wells' presidential campaign were balance, fairness, and equality… "Otherwise stated, I want to 'save the planet,' end corruption in government, and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.”.
The number one policy that Wells promoted was "technology for direct democracy." He wanted to help build a government-based website that will allow all U.S. citizens to have the opportunity to give their input or vote on public policy on all levels of government. “The Declaration of Independence states that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and so without our consent they really have no justifiable power,” Wells said. “I just want to help create a system that allows us to provide our consent and obligate our elected leaders to serve our collective interests." "Wells believes public policy should be driven by public input & public servants should serve public interests." Wells said if he’s elected he will do everything in his power “to return the United States of America back to the American public” using technology for direct democracy.
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