Kadampa Buddhist Temple

Kadampa Buddhist Temples take many forms. Some are custom built according to a special design developed by Kelsang Gyatso based on traditional Buddhist architecture, such as the Mother Temple at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England and the Temples in New York, and São Paulo.
The first Kadampa Temple was built at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center in England. This temple is located at Conishead Priory on the outskirts of Ulverston, Cumbria, England. It was consecrated in July 1997 and functions as the main meditation hall at Manjushri KMC. It is also the location of the annual Spring and Summer Festivals attended by Kadampa Buddhists from all over the world.
Based on the mandala palace of Buddha Heruka, the Buddha of compassion, every aspect of the Temple symbolizes the spiritual path to enlightenment. The first level is square and has a doorway on each side. The four doorways symbolize the four ways to enter the path to liberation. The eight auspicious symbols, which are carved on each side of the building, show how to progress along that path.
More Kadampa Buddhist Temples are currently under construction in various countries.
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