K-mac Day

General Information
K-Mac Day is a special holiday event held in Western Pennsylvania to celebrate the Home Alone movie character, Kevin McCallister. The holiday is typically celebrated on December 23rd but is subject to change at a moments notice and is never held after the Christmas holiday. This holiday is not recognized by most educational institutions/U.S. government offices. K-Mac Day observers only recognize the Macaulay Culkin portrayl of Kevin McCallister from the Home Alone 1 and Home Alone 2 movies. Home Alone 3 is not a part of the official K-mac Day canon.
K-Mac Day was originated (circa 1996) in Butler county by a group of teenagers from Knoch School District. It is often attended by anywhere from 5 - 20 people of which there is typically only 1 female present at any time. All are encouraged to attend the subsequent year but rarely does a female attend a 2nd K-mac holiday. K-Mac Day was traditionally, a non-alcoholic event but with declining holiday observers alcohol was introduced which subsequently increased female attendance.
K-Mac Day is celebrated by gathering at a celebrant's dwelling to watch either Home Alone 1 or Home Alone 2. Home Alone 1 is watched for two consecutive years followed by one year of viewing Home Alone 2 and the cycle is repeated. Before the movie is started, an ice-breaker session is administered to ease the tension of the holiday season and introduce all new K-Mac Day observers. The movie is watched until a midpoint intermission during which presentations are given by experienced K-Mac Day observers. Virgin K-Mac Day observers are not forbidden from giving presentations, but it is strongly recommended that they abstain from such activity. Anywhere from 1-3 presentations may be given during this period. The presentation can be anything you want but must have some signifigance to either Kevin McCallister or the Home Alone movies. The remainder of the movie is completed after the intermission and the rest of the presentations are completed.
At this point the official K-Mac Day vote is initiated. Everyone is required to label each K-Mac Day observer with a character from the Home Alone 1 or 2 movie. It is largely understood that the vote is to be based on presentation merit with the "best" presenter getting the designation of Kevin McCallister. The K-mac designation is also somewhat based on physical and mental resemblance to the character and all that he embodies. This is, however, not a requirement for your selection of K-Mac and often leads to K-mac voting controversy.
Controversy and Trends
K-mac day has had its share of controversy over the years from ruining relationships to voter controversy. In 2006 the K-mac vote was tied and required a revote between the two candidates resulting a knife wielding dispute.
There are also significant voter trends that have developed of the years for specific K-mac Day observers. The Marv character designation has been traditionally allocated to one of the originators of K-mac day with no definitive end in sight.
IMDB Home Alone Page
YouTube Video of K-mac Day Presentation
Rotten Tomatoes Home Alone Review
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