The JavaScript Archive Network (JSAN) is an on-line collaborative resource to develop Open Source libraries and software for JavaScript. JSAN's aim is to create the JavaScript equivalent of Perl' s CPAN. For example, the module Joose is an equivalent to the CPAN module Moose. In addition there is Test.Simple and other modules that are very similar to their Perl counterparts.
JSAN was created by Casey West in 2005. Due to social reasons Casey West left the project. With the master website lost, people could not upload modules, and JSAN had several other limitations in its development, and it was considered "dead". On May 2009, the site was revived and new modules started being added.
JSAN works as a CPAN module, using a nearly identical testing system and directory structure. Documentation is written in POD which is used within JavaScript comments. The documentation is then converted to HTML and other formats with Perl POD modules. Some of the newer techniques used in JSAN are considered to be "test runs" for new features to be added to the design of the "6PAN", the CPAN upgrade intended to match the Perl 6 language.
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