
Jpowder is a collaborative project between the ISIS Facility of the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the E-Learning and Software Develepment Unit of the Kasem Bundit University.
One analytical area in which ISIS excels is that of powder diffraction. This is a technique that is used worldwide on a daily basis by chemists and physicists to study polycrystalline materials. It is, for example, a crucial technique in the pharmaceutical industry where it is used to characterise the physical forms of drug materials. Data generated by powder diffraction experiments consists typically of two columns, where each row is a single data point (x,y).
In addition Jpowder is designed to be used as a tool for testing software usability and human computer interaction, with the purpose of given the user the best experience of using the software and using Jpowder as a tool for testing new approaches to E-learning.
Jpowder uses the following software libraries: JFreeChart, iText and JXLayer.
Main Feature
*Jpowder enable you to select the peaks (Maximum in plot).
*Ability to Rescale and Move the plot relative to each other.
*Ability to change the Appearance of chart and plots.
*Easy zooming function.
*Conversion of the units from the 2? to d using bragg's law.
File Types
*Jpowder reads Files which contains two columns of data, 2? and Intensity respectively.
5.000 4130.000
5.014 4039.000
5.029 4067.000
5.043 4078.000
5.058 3950.000
5.072 4123.000
5.087 3975.000
5.101 3936.000
5.116 3969.000
5.130 3971.000
5.145 4111.000
5.159 3896.000
5.174 4027.000
*Jpowder reads files which contains 3 columns of data 2?, Intensity and Error respectively.
8.00000 100. 3.12
8.01500 102. 3.16
8.03000 101. 3.14
8.04500 99. 3.11
8.06000 103. 3.17
8.07500 100. 3.12
8.09000 103. 3.17
8.10500 100. 3.12
8.12000 105. 3.20
8.13500 103. 3.18
8.15000 109. 3.28
8.16500 105. 3.22
8.18000 106. 3.23
*Jpowder reads Cif files with following formate:

_diffrn_radiation_wavelength 1.8854


2 4.1649 109009(330) 109137.3360 109008.9920
3 4.2649 113574(337) 113709.5470 113573.9920
4 4.3649 118037(344) 118180.4300 118037.0080
5 4.4649 121799(349) 121951.0310 121799.0080
6 4.5649 126457(356) 126618.4610 126457.0000
7 4.6649 128431(358) 128602.8520 128431.0000
8 4.7649 131309(362) 131492.3590 131309.0000
9 4.8649 133947(366) 134143.2030 133947.0000
10 4.9649 134488(367) 134698.6250 134488.0000
*Jpowder reads GSAS files with following formate:
NBS Si (SRM640c) in 5mm van can in SE tk at ref pos'n: p<<1mbar, 5x5mm beam, #1
Instrument parameter file cycle_101.prl
# Instrument :: PRL
# Run number :: 68420
# User :: WGM & MGT
# Note: Y (E) values are intensity (error) * binwidth
BANK 1 2528 2528 RALF 48008 64 64331 0.0010 FXYE
1500.247192 23.55114746 0.3757147491
1502.247437 22.82582855 0.3674654961
1504.247803 22.37240028 0.3632779717
1506.248169 22.94753456 0.3697766960
1508.248535 22.79898262 0.3674105406
Jpowder 1.0
*Rlease Date: April 2010.
This Version of Jpowder only supports two dimensional data(Intensity Vs 2?). It reads files which contain two columns and three columns of data where the third columns being the Error bar.
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