Josephine Kwhali

Josephine Kwhali is a British academic in the field of social work. She was awarded her doctorate in social work in 2012 from Sussex University, entitled ' in which she used narrative histories from interviewees to draw out core stories from their lives and to inform anti-racist social work. She went on to become Senior Lecturer in Social Work at Coventry University, where she ran the undergraduate social work programme.
She has worked to tackle the underrepresentation of black and minority ethnic people in British academia. In 2015, she co-authored a paper with Dr. Gurnam Singh ("[ How can we make not break black and minority ethnic leaders in higher education?")] as a call to action for the gatekeepers of academia to critically assess their strategies for addressing this underrepresentation . In 2018, she became a patron of Black British Academics and she contributed a chapter called "The accidental academic" to the book Inside the Ivory Tower , documenting the experiences and careers of women of colour in academia in Britain. She has questioned the concept of 'unconscious bias' within academia, describing it as a get out clause for conscious biases, and a lack of willingness of institutions and individuals to address these.
Before becoming an academic, Kwhali had a career in social work, and was a senior manager in children services, including as the Head of Children's services at Hackney Borough Council. She was profiled in the Guardian newspaper for her overhaul of this service and has highlighted the consideration of identity and cultural roots when finding adoptive families.
* Paul Bywaters, Josephine Kwhali, Geraldine Brady, Tim Sparks, Elizabeth Bos; The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 47, Issue 7, 1 October 2017, Pages 1884-1902
* Josephine Kwhali, Linda Martin, Geraldine Brady, Sarah J. Brown; The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 46, Issue 8, 1 December 2016, Pages 2208-2226
* "" Singh, G. and Kwhali, J. (2015) UK: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
* "" Josephine Kwhali; Race Equality Teaching © Trentham Books 2006
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