Joseph Pride

Joseph Pride was Thomas died in 1658 at his home of Worcester Park House, having bought it and the "Great Park" of Nonsuch Palace, Surrey. After the Restoration of 1660 Thomas's body was ordered dug up and suspended on the gallows at Tyburn along with those of , Henry Ireton and John Bradshaw, though it is said that the sentence was not carried out, probably because his corpse was too far decayed.
Joseph Pride is buried in Portland, Maine, and referred to as "Old Man Pride" in a 1726 newspaper article. The backward looking article cites "The Joseph Pride to whom this tract of 100 acres was granted was 'most likely' the first person of the name in the area", and somewhat mysteriously that he "probably was in mid life when he emigrated to this vicinity", it also states that "On April 12 1726 Joseph and Sarah Pride had a son Joseph born in Falmouth" (Thomas, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph's, Joseph). According to family legend traced to Merritt Greenough Pride of Westbrook (1887-1969), and related ancestors, who were also residents of Prides Corner Westbrook, Maine, the escape had a dramatic and ironic twist. Joesph ran from the redcoats down a hill, out a dock, and dove into the sea and swam to a longboat that had already departed the Dock. As luck would have it, it was the last longboat to the ship which was setting sail to Plymouth. Joseph is presumed to have spent some time with relatives who first arrived in 1637, but, fled to the wilderness and settled in the back bay area initially. His son purchased the parcel of land in Falmouth/Westbrook now known as Prides Corner Maine. But the article cites "no evidence the elder pride ever lived there".
The Pride lineage of Prides Corner, is one Joseph Pride after another, every generation for TWO centuries. It is family's silent testimony to its history, the only safe testimony possible for such a hunted figure. The for Falmouth Maine for example lists Henry, Joseph, William, and a second Joseph, a Joseph for each generation when you count the , presumed first grandson of the King's executioner. The gives a tantalizing glimpse into the family secret listing both a Thomas and a Joseph and a Henry*. Then there is always those Joes on the Revolutionary War Rosters too. In the hope of further proof of this intentionally hidden history, hidden under pain of death, Prides are actively encourage to register and too. In the hope of further proof of this intentionally hidden history, hidden under pain of death, Prides are actively encourage to register and publish their DNA on 23 and Me, and several have already done so.
Further Info
* Multiple second generation Henry's over the years are interesting also given that Henry Ireton, directly served with Thomas and Joseph in multiple battles including Nasby.
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