Jon Hibbins

Jonathan Haydon Hibbins, born in 1975, also known as Jon Hibbins, is a British computer programmer.
He currently lives in United Kingdom. In 1993 his first published game - Squigs - appeared in Amiga Power Magazine on the September 1993 coverdisk, with a review inside the magazine.
In 1995 he founded Enhance with partner Mike Beveridge and released Enhanced HTML an HTML Editor for Windows. It went on to sell many thousands of copies. Soon after, Enhance became Enhance Software Solutions Ltd. In 2006 Jon sold his part ownership in Enhance Software Solutions Ltd.
Software Portfolio
*1985 - 1991: Electron and BBC games and applications, including disc based adventures and a Pipe Mania type game
*1991 - 1994 : Many public domain demos, music, scrolling text and graphical effects
*1992 - Amiga DB, Database system for Amiga, including custom fields, form design and relationships
*1993 - Squigs, Puzzle game for Amiga
*1995 - 3D Maze
*1995 - Domination, an early RTS style game with land management
*1996 - 2000: Enhanced HTML (v1, 97, 2000, v4+)
*1996 - Credit 'Time 2000', Time and Fee's ledger system
*1997 - 2005: Credit 'Inprint System', Enterprise MIS with Planning, Costing, Stock Control, Accounting etc.
*1998 - Squigs 2
*2004 - Dungeon Director, A realtime 3D Dungeon Master clone with mouse pattern capture for spell casting
*2005 - Squigs 3
*2005 - PC Suduko
*2005 - 2007: Credit 'Shadow-Planner' (As Software Development Manager), Web based business continuity software
*2008 - 2010: Seedd CRM, Web based CRM system
*2010 - 2012: iVoucher, Enterprise B2B and B2C Voucher management platform
*2011 - 2014: Squigs, for the iPhone and iPad
*2009 - 2015: PopClogs Bucket List, Web based Bucket List system
*2014 - 2015: Crystal Rift, an Virtual Reality Game for the, Oculus Rift, Steam VR, PC and OSX
*2015 - 2015: Windlands, an Virtual Reality Game for the, Oculus Rift, Steam VR, PC and OSX
* WebSleuth - Working for Seymour I. Rubinstein aideing in interface redesign and installation improvements
* Inprint- Worked with Inprint (now CCL Label) from 1997-2005
* Office-Shadow - Worked with Office-Shadow Ltd (Best Business Continuity Software 2006) from 2005-2007
* Seren Software Services Limited - Formed the Software Services and Consultancy Services company Seren Software Services Limited in 2008
* iVPlatform - CTO of iVoucher Limited from 2010-2014
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