John Fenich

Police Chief John Fenich is a peripheral character on the American dramedy Psych. While he hasn't actually appeared on or been mentioned in the show to date, he is described in Head Detective Carlton Lassiter's as being "more than boss. He was mentor and friend. He made the cop today. Without his guidance, would be a very different place and would be a very different man. He was the one that lead to the Academy in the first place, offering an option at a dangerous point in youth."

Fenich retired about a month prior to the arrival of Shawn Spencer at the SBPD, and Lassiter seems to think that the former Chief would be none-too-pleased to see a self-proclaimed psychic in the Department. According to Lassiter, Fenich "is taking a well-deserved Golf Vacation in Scotland." He was replaced by "the powers that be in City Hall" with "outsider" Interim Chief Karen Vick. Lassiter did mention the former Chief to Vick, though not by name, pointing out that Fenich had been a mentor who made Lassiter the cop he is today.

It is implied that Fenich gave Lassiter a leather briefcase, which Lassiter claims has a "tremendous sentimental value." The briefcase is presumably ruined when Vick's water breaks over it.

The name John Fenich was made up by Timothy Omundson for his weblog and is in fact the name of Omundson's real-life grandfather. This information is revealed in the clip of the interview in which Omnundson talks about the enjoyment he has writing the blog.
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