John DeBlasio

John Paul DeBlasio is an American businessman, founder and executive director of the Global Peace and Development (GPD) Charitable Trust.
Early life and education
DeBlasio is a 1989 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and served 21 years in active and reserve service before retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves Civil Affairs branch in 2011.
DeBlasio worked in different management positions in the General Electric Co. (GE) starting in 1994.
DeBlasio co-founded Sallyport Global Services after returning from active duty in 2004, it is a provider of security and facilities management services to USAID prime contractors operating in Iraq, as well as a primary contractor for the United States Department of Defense (DoD), Department of State (DoS) and NASA, among others.
DeBlasio established a private equity firm Bootstrap Capital in 2012 that provides partnership opportunities for small/medium-sized growth and family businesses. and a corporate/advisory board member of ValAr Frontier, Pax Mondial, Verilogic Solutions and the Chairman of DT Institute and DT Global. DeBlasio is also an Advisory Board Member for the Acorn Growth Companies Fund IV.
He is moderator and speaker at events on global affairs.
Management and oversight
In 2021, DeBlasio's enterprises, DT Institute and DT Global, was sued for violating non-profit regulations.
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