John Dana Chisholm

John Dana Chisholm is a Libertarian and American Entrepreneur, Author. He is the co founder of Pyze, California based Pyze is provider of AI driven cross platform analytics and marketing campaigns Enterprise. John is board of trustee of the Santa Fe Institute, Seasteading Institute and MIT Corporation. He has also written columns in Forbes.
John holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1976) and Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School (1978).
John's interests in Enterprise he has 3 decades of experience as entrepreneur.
From 1978 to 1992 He worked and consulted for Hewlett-Packard, GE, Xerox, GRiD Systems, Ventura Software, and Network Appliance. 1992 he founded the Decisive Technology, publisher of the first desktop and client-server software for online surveys. 1997 he founded of CustomerSat, a leading provider of enterprise feedback management systems
John advise of the Plug and Play Tech Center, the Thiel Foundation 20 Under 20 Fellowship and MIT Venture Mentoring Service, Hult Prize, European Innovation Academy, Author of the Unleash Your Inner Company Use Passion and Perseverance to Build Your Ideal Business
John worked for Recommendation Committee, Internet Achievements at the World Internet Conference organized by government agencies in China to discuss Internet issues and policy in Wuzhen, China.
John was the speaker and Faculty at Foundation for Economic Education, Independent Institute, Global Partners Council of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Women Economic Forum, TEDxUFM Francisco Marroquín University on Release your Inner Company
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John President, chair of the worldwide MIT Alumni Association (MITAA), He advising entrepreneurs through the MIT Club of Northern California’s mentoring program from 1990 to 1992 and as chair from 2006 to 2014. John received MIT’s highest alumni honor the Bronze Beaver award in 2006.
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