John Crump (author)

John Coleman Crump (Born 1976) is an American firearms journalist, author, and gun rights advocate. He is the current state director of Virginia for Gun Owners of America...
Early life
John Crump was born in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Arlington County, Virginia. He was the youngest of four and the only male sibling. When he was an infant his family was the victim of a home evasion. His mother confronted the home invader with a Saturday night special handgun. The intruder refused to leave the residence so Crump's mother shot the intruder. This incident caused Crump to develop a passion for the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
John Crump began writing for AmmoLand News in 2013. AmmoLand News is the largest firearms news website in the world with over five million readers. He is known for his investigations into gun control groups, advocates, and federal and state agencies. His reporting has been highlighted in , The Blaze, and the Chicago Tribune. His research has been cited in court cases such as Duncan v. Becerra and on fact checking websites including Snopes.
Crump is also known for his interviews with people from in and out of the Gun World. In July, 2020 he released a book of interviews to raise money for his niece with an aggressive form of childhood brain cancer called Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma.. These articles highlighted an amicus brief that Harris helped write and signed onto for the District of Columbia v. Heller case that was decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. In the brief Harris argued that the right to keep and bear arms was not an individual right and only applied to a state run militia. A Facebook trusted fact checker, Agence France-Presse (AFP), marked these articles as false. Facebook limited several groups for sharing these articles. Crump, believing these articles were correct, and started looking into the connection to the AFP and Facebook. Crump started to make inquires into whether these fact checks constituted foreign election interference and could be a violation of Federal Election Commission regulations. Crump alleges that this move was retaliation for his investigation
On October 6, 2020 Crump and Gun Owners of America filed an FEC complaint against Facebook, the AFP, and Harris.
John Crump joined Gun Owners of America in 2019 as the State Director for Virginia. He is credited for helping start the Second Amendment sanctuary movement in Virginia
Crump is a speaker in the 2020 Second Amendment National Rally.
Marriage and children
Crump is married to Miriam Crump and has two sons.
Philosophical and/or political views
John Crump has libertarian and conservative views. He has spoken out against all gun laws and has been critical of Socialism and .
Published works
* 2020: Speaking With Giants
* 2020: A Firearm Owner's Guide To State Advocacy
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