John Cornish (born 1929) is a British teacher of aikido. He started his martial arts training around 1950-52 and studied under Trevor Legget. He then went to study at both the Kodokan and Aikido Hombu dojo from 1958-1964. He studied under Mifune Sensei and Tomiki Sensei amongst many others and was a member of the Kenshusei class. He was invited to open the All Japan Games and demonstrated the judo kata to the Emperor of Japan. He was also technical director of the British Judo Association for seven years. He studied aikido and took daily early morning practice under Kisaburo Osawa Sensei and lessons under Waka Sensei, Tohei Sensei and O'Sensei. He was a founder member of the British Aikido Board and has been teaching traditional Aikido at the Budokwai since 1964.