Joel Robert Leo Teo Jing Xiong (born Teo Jing Xiong Joel Robert) is the Number 1 Guitar Hero Player in Singapore and Number 2 Guitar Hero Player in Asia, coming in second to New Zealander Mason Maddox. He is the lead guitarist of his band Activ8x. Biography In March 2008, Joel was given an Xbox 360, with the first of his games being Guitar Hero. He picked up the game quickly and started playing it competitively a few months later. He has played in many competitions around Singapore. He goes under the alias ChaosLegend. Guitar Hero The few notable competitions Teo has taken part in include the World Cyber Games (Asia) and . The latter showed Teo's skills under pressure while playing a Pro-Face off on stage against Abdullah Suffian. Teo went on to win the competition, along with numerous prizes. Apart from his solo competitions, Teo has also taken part in numerous band competitions (Activ8x) which has showcased his leadership qualities. The Guitar Hero Les Paul is his most noted instrument of choice. He is well known for his signature songs, "Hot for Teacher" and "Sweet Home Alabama", both in which he excels in. Teo will be representing Singapore in the World Cyber Games in Chengdu, China in November 2009 in the Guitar Hero category. Teo's fingers have been said to move at "lightning speed" and it has not been discovered how this feat has been achieved. World Cyber Games In the World Cyber Games 2009, Joel Teo, who was claimed to be Singapore's "only gold medal hope" went to the final round with last year's champion, New Zealand's Mason Maddox. Despite having won the first round, he lost the next two rounds, preventing a sweep of the medals by Southeast Asians. Personal life Apart from Guitar Hero, Teo also excels in his studies. He is currently studying in and is part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. In a recent interview, Teo has stated that he will stop playing competitively in 2010 due to his busy schedule in his fifth year of studies in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent). Teo's brother, Matthias, takes after Joel in the field of Guitar Hero. He has proved to be a prominent Guitar Hero player, taking part in band competitions with his brother. In an interview, when asked if Matthias would take over his role in being the Number 1 Guitar Hero player in singapore, Teo states that he "certainly hopes so" as he can then concentrate on his studies. Teo has expressed a passion for aeronautics and hopes to study Aeronautical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).