Jim Carroll (author)

Jim Carroll is a Canadian futurist and trends and innovation expert.
Carroll has headlined events worldwide, including the CSC Executive Interchange, the Consumer Goods & Technology Innovation Congress, Swiss Innovation Forum, the 4th World HealthCare Innovation and Technology Congress, the Bombardier Operators Conference and Tradeshow, the 2010 Consumer Electronics Association CEO Summit in Ojai, California; the Corenet Global Summit in New Orleans; the Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit in Orlando; the VIBE (Very Important Beverage Executives) 2010 conference in Las Vegas; and the opening speaker for the 94th Annual General Meeting of the PGA - Professional Golf Association of America in 2010. He speaks on a wide variety of topics, including technology, business model change, innovation, and global challenges and growth.
He is the author of books, including :
* The Future Belongs To Those Who Are Fast
* Surviving the Information Age
* Ready, Set, Done: How to Innovate When Faster is the New Fast
* What I Learned from Frogs in Texas: Saving Your Skin with Forward Thinking Innovation.
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