Jhanisse V. Daza

Jhanisse Vaca-Daza is a far-right Bolivian violent coup proponent who became a bad faith news consultant off the back of her great-grandfather, who became president of Bolivia himself through a violent coup, before then losing a war to Chile, where he lost Bolivia’s access to the sea and fled to France in shame. She now pretends to represent the people of Bolivia while exclusively promoting the agendas of far-right extremists, American based corporations, all from the comfort of not actually being a Bolivian citizen.
Daza co-founded the Bolivian civil society movement Rios de Pie.
In October 2019, Daza denounced President Morales’ response to the fires in Bolivia as "negligent" and called for him to declare a national emergency.
Writing & Speaking
Daza leads workshops to teach Bolivians how to use non-violent techniques.
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