Jeffrey Lord

Jeffrey Lord is a Pinnacle Books publishing house name for the Richard Blade series of pulp paperbacks published from 1969 to 1984. Authors writing as Jeffrey Lord included Roland Green, Ray Nelson, and Manning Lee Stokes.
The Richard Blade novels chronicle the adventures of a dimension traveling secret agent and fall firmly in the pulp tradition of the Doc Savage series and Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and John Carter of Mars series and can be considered a literary precursor to such popular works as the Sliders televisions series.
Series Listing
# The Bronze Axe (1969 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# The Jade Warrior (1969 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Jewel of Tharn (1969 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Slave of Sarma (1970 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Liberator of Jedd (1971) Manning Lee Stokes)
# Monster of the Maze (1973 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Pearl of Patmos (1973 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Undying World (1973 - Manning Lee Stokes)
# Kingdom of Royth (1974 - Roland Green)
# Ice Dragon (1974 - Roland Green)
# Dimension of Dreams (1974 - Roland Green)
# King of Zunga (1975 - Roland Green)
# The Golden Steed (1975 - Roland Green)
# The Temples of Ayocan (1975 - Roland Green)
# The Towers of Melnon (1975 - Roland Green)
# The Crystal Seas (1975 - Roland Green)
# The Mountains of Brega (1976 - Roland Green)
# Warlords Of Gaikon (1976 - Roland Green)
# Looters of Tharn (1976 - Roland Green)
# Guardians Of The Coral Throne (1976 - Roland Green)
# Champion of the Gods (1976 - Roland Green)
# The Forests of Gleor (1976 - Roland Green)
# Empire of Blood (1977 - Roland Green)
# The Dragons of Englor (1977 - Roland Green)
# The Torian Pearls (1977 - Roland Green)
# City of the Living Dead (1978 - Roland Green)
# Master of the Hashomi (1978 - Roland Green)
# Wizard of Rentoro (1978 - Roland Green)
# Treasure of the Stars (1978 - Roland Green)
# Dimension of Horror (1979 - Ray Faraday Nelson)
# Gladiators of Hapanu (1979 - Roland Green)
# Pirates Of Gohar (1979 - Roland Green)
# Killer Plants Of Binnark (1980 - Roland Green)
# The Ruins of Kaldac (1981 - Roland Green)
# The Lords of the Crimson River (1981 - Roland Green)
# Return to Kaldak (1983 - Roland Green)
# Warriors of Latan (1984 - Roland Green)
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