Jean Bison

Jean Bison is a character from the video game Sly 2: Band of Thieves. As his name illustrates, Jean Bison was an anthropomorphic bison.

A prospector from the 1850s, Jean Bison took one too many chances and wound up buried alive in an avalanche. However, in the present day, thanks to global warming, he thawed out and planned to finish what he started. A product of his time, he planned to "Tame" the Wild North, leveling the forests and placing dams on every river. Serving as Shipping Baron for the Klaww Gang allowed him to bankroll his one man war against nature.

Despite his backwards, low tech ways and old-style thinking, Jean Bison ended up with the lion's share of the Clockwork parts. Three of these parts, the Lungs and the Stomach, he attached to his Iron Horse trains, allowing them to run day and night without stopping. However, Sly and the gang were able to pull off some good old-fashioned train robberies, stealing all three parts despite his precautions.

Escaping to his lumber camp in Northern Canada, Jean Bison continued his true operation&m dash;using his giant attractor to collect the light energy of the Aurora Borealis into his Northern Light Battery for Arpeggio's blimp. He also began preparations for his Lumber Jack Games, a competition for which he put up his Clockwork Talons as a trophy. This drew Sly Bently and Murry's attenton like moths to a flame. Setting up the Northern Light Battery for their transport to Arpeggio's blimp, they entered the games.

Despite stellar performances and cheating to make Jean Bison lose, the three were captured. While the Cooper Gang was in his custody, Bison had his men raid the gang's hideout and steal all of the Clockwork Parts that the gang had collected and sold them to Arpeggio (including the talons). Bentley was then forced into a battle with Bison. However, using the lumber camp's equipment, he was able to beat him.

According to the ending of Sly 2, after his sentence was up, Jean Bison turned over a new leaf and went to work for the EPA, and froze yet again on a mission to save baby penguins. Seeing as how Dimitri was still a criminal after the events of Sly 2, however, this ending may or may not be true. If not reformed and frozen, Bison is most likely
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