Jack and Cocaine is a 2014 American independent drama film written and directed by Cynthia Posner, and starring Kash Hovey and Jenna Stone. Plot Jack and Cocaine is the story of Jack, a young street-hustler struggling with drug addiction and Christy “Cocaine” a prostitute he befriends. They both are surviving on the gritty streets of Los Angeles. Jack attempts to give up drugs and prostitution which are pressured on him by his dealer Harlon (Ron Robinson), and finally confront his mother Anna (Suzanne Ford). Christy wants to quit prostitution, confront her pimp Fast Freddie (Drew Bell) and find her father (Keith Ross Nelson). After the two cross paths they discover it's not a coincidence they meet, but a universal intervention, which forces them to clean up their acts and move forward with their lives. Cast *Kash Hovey as Jack *Jenna Stone as Cocaine (Christy) *Suzanne Ford as Anna *Scott Crane as Dean the Hotel Clerk *Guerin Piercy as Psychic *Ron Robinson as Harlon *Christa Collins as Store Owner (as Herself) *Drew Bell as Fast Freddie *Keith Ross Nelson as Miles *Sean Summers as The Mask *Flaskiss as Maria *Michael Klinger as John Rutherby Script and Development Jack and Cocaine was written by Cynthia Posner. She wrote the role of Jack for Kash Hovey after he appeared as Adam in her film Undateable John. Jenna Stone, Ron Robinson Suzanne Ford, Scott Crane, and Christa Collins. Filming Jack and Cocaine was shot on in 6 days in various locations of Los Angeles.