Islamic Peace

Islamic Peace is the concept of world peace in islamic world.Since the origin of Islam the purpose as described in the scripture of the Qur'an is to establish a just rule on earth (as described in bible as Kingdom of God) a.k.a. House of Peace(Dar-as-salaam (Arabic: دار سلام or Dar al Islam)in Islamic context.The Arabic term Islam (إسلام) is defined as "submission", rather than "peace", and comes from the term aslama, which means "to surrender" or "resign oneself". The word salaam (سلام) ("peace") shares the etymology of the word Islam. This has led to a widespread misinterpretation that "Islam means peace".
One Islamic interpretation is that individual personal is attaimed by utterly submitting to the Allah. The greeting "Salaam alaykum", favoured by muslims, has the literal meaning "Peace be with you".
Concept of Islamic Peace
The Quran says, "And God calls to the home of peace". This has been interpreted as command in the following terms 'build a world of peace on earth so that you may be granted peace in your eternal life in the hereafter'.

Similar concepts: compassion and forgiveness

Many verses in the holy Quran and hadith, which emphasise on the related concept of compassion. For instance, it is reported that Muhammad said: "O people, be compassionate to others so that you may be granted compassion by God."

Regarding forgiveness, the Quran in one place commends those of whom it can be said that "When they are angered, they forgive." Otherwise, a number of Islamic traditions commend forgiveness. There is a report of a person who came to Muhammad and asked: "Give me an advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my life." Muhammad is reported to have replied: "Don't be angry. Even if people provoke you, don't lose temper and forgive those who make you angry. Adopt forgiveness as your behaviour."

Dar as Salaam
The ideal society, according to the Qur’an is Dar as-Salam, literally, "the house of peace" of which it intones:
And Allah invites to the 'abode of peace' and guides whom He pleases into the right path

Islam and the Rest World

Professor Abdul Aziz, director of the Division of International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University, has expressed the following view:
Muslims believe that Jesus is going to come back to the earth again. He is a Prophet born by a miracle of God without a father; he invited the Children of Israel to follow the true path and showed them many miracles. He is the Messiah and, as the Qur'an says, he is the "word of God" . Together with his return to earth, the lack of understanding between Christians and Muslims who believe in the same God, share the same moral values and, as the Qur'an says, are closer to one another in love than all other people will be repaired, and these two greatest of the world's religious communities will be united. The members of the world's third monotheistic religion, the Jews, will also accept Jesus as their true Messiah and find their way to the true religion .

So by the return of Jesus, Muslims fantasise that Islam and Christianity and Judaism will unite as a single worldwide religion on Allah-worship. They are further encouraged to fantasise that that religion will overcome atheistic philosophies and alternative worldviews by intellectual means, somehow also causing the world to be saved from wars, conflicts, racial and ethnic hostility, and all forms of cruelty and injustice. The final aspect of this fantasy is that humanity will then enter a "Golden Age" of peace, happiness and well-being.

Alternative contemporary viewpoint
One widely-reported underlying cause and motivation of the September 11, 2001 attacks relates to the doctrines and beliefs of Islam, universally adhered to by those who commissioned the attacks, and the considerable logical basis for U.S. for concluding that Islam itself is intrinsically violent.

A poll of US evangelical Protestant leaders taken in 2002 revealed that only 10% agreed with President George W Bush's famously announced personal view that Islam was synonymous with peace.

Pope Benedict XVI has refused to agree with the suggestion that Islam may be characterised as a "religion of peace" on which he asked an excuse later as when opposed by secular mainstream muslims. Instead he has stated:
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